Saturday, September 13, 2014

Dead Sea Face Products

Dead Sea and Dead Sea Facial Products

There is a well-kept secret regarding facial products and Dead Sea Face Products has uncovered where that secret lies. It is deep within the depths of the Dead Sea which is a natural salt lake, also called Salt Sea, that boarders Jordan, Palestine and Israel. The lake itself is located 1,400 feet below sea level which is the lowest elevation on land documented on Earth. The Dead Sea is over 1,000 feet deep which makes it also the deepest hypersaline lake in the entire world. The Dead Sea is known for their abundance of salt within its shoreline; this lake is over 9 times saltier than most oceans and makes swimming in this body of water more like floating. It also makes it impossible for marine life to survive within the 31-mile lake, which is why the locals named this body of water the “Dead Sea” or “Yām ha-Melah” in Hebrew.

Dead Sea Salt and its benefits and Dead Sea Facial Products

People have been coming to the Dead Sea for years using its waters for different healing therapies such as Climatotherapy, Heliotherapy and Thalassotherapy. After seeing the positive affects these therapies have had on the people that visited Dead Sea Face Products decided to bring these healing qualities to the world’s market by offering revolutionary facial products. Dead Sea Face Products have tapped into the natural minerals including: calcium chloride, potassium chloride, magnesium chloride and more that are trapped within the salt from this lake. All these minerals are naturally conceived within the Dead Sea and different levels of each mineral within the salt can be found at different depths of the Sea. Dead Sea Face Products have realized that because of the lake’s low content of pollens and other allergens combined with the natural minerals that the salt from this lake is an ideal ingredient within their facial Dead Sea Face Products.