Israel is the Holy land to a significant majority of the world's
population. All Abrahamic religions look to Israel and Jerusalem as the origin
of their faith. It is true that other sites are also held as holy, especially
to Christians and Muslims, and arguments persist as to what lands constitute
the historic Holy Land. Tours of Israel are designed to accommodate each of
these faiths as well as people just wanting to visit this historic and scenic
Tours of Israel might include the Dead Sea, the lowest place on the surface of the Earth not below water. For many people tours of Israel should include the Jordan River and might even include Baptism in this holy river. Islamic tourists will want to visit sites particularly sacred to Muslims, which will include many sites also sacred to Christians.

Tours of Israel usually include Bethlehem for Christians and many Muslims. Bethlehem is revered as the birthplace of Jesus and is particularly popular as a destination during the Christmas season, which covers several different traditional dates for Christmas. Israel tends to cater to Christian tourists and will welcome Muslims with some extra security questions. Muslims will be able to visit some sites barred to non-Muslims.
Not all tours of Israel are religious in nature. Tours of Israel may include archaeological sites not related to the religious history of the region. Israel has existed as a Jewish state for a small portion of its history and many other cultures have left their imprint on the land. Jericho is the site of one of the oldest known cities on earth. Modern Israel has also created many significant scientific and cultural achievements and has some of the finest medical facilities in the world. Tours of Israel may also include attractions such as hot springs and beaches.