Chess is an ancient game based on strategy and skill. The object, simply manipulate your pieces until you trap your opponents king and put it in checkmate. This is not as easy as it may sound; however, with skill it is not that hard. The Internet has made online chess popular around the world.

Chess in General
Two players set up 16 pieces each on a board with 64 squares. Each player has eight front men, called pawns, which can only advance and have limited movement; however, pawns are very powerful chess pieces. Behind the front line are two rooks that move horizontally or vertically, at their side stands the knights which move in a L shaped pattern, next are the bishops and they cover diagonal angles.
Queens and Kings
Finally, the two most important pieces are the queen and her beloved king. As queen, she can move horizontally, vertically or diagonally. She is powerful and that makes her a key target. The king is the main target, and he can only move one square at a time in any direction; keep your king protected.
3D Boards
Online chess has many options, you can play in 2D but 3D graphics have added visual affects that make online chess games more realistic. Try different websites to find the best 3D boards and most life-like pieces. Playing on a 3D chess board can give you a clearer perspective too.
Improve your game by playing online chess against the computer. Computer moves provides valuable strategic insight. Chess is not about capturing the most pieces. Focus on trapping your opponent’s king, and putting it in checkmate. Know when to retreat and regroup. Analyze the board, and plan your next few moves based on possibilities.
Playing chess online is a great way to socialize with other chess players, share strategies and improve your skills. With online chess, you always have an opponent to play against.

Chess in General
Two players set up 16 pieces each on a board with 64 squares. Each player has eight front men, called pawns, which can only advance and have limited movement; however, pawns are very powerful chess pieces. Behind the front line are two rooks that move horizontally or vertically, at their side stands the knights which move in a L shaped pattern, next are the bishops and they cover diagonal angles.
Queens and Kings
Finally, the two most important pieces are the queen and her beloved king. As queen, she can move horizontally, vertically or diagonally. She is powerful and that makes her a key target. The king is the main target, and he can only move one square at a time in any direction; keep your king protected.
3D Boards
Online chess has many options, you can play in 2D but 3D graphics have added visual affects that make online chess games more realistic. Try different websites to find the best 3D boards and most life-like pieces. Playing on a 3D chess board can give you a clearer perspective too.
Improve your game by playing online chess against the computer. Computer moves provides valuable strategic insight. Chess is not about capturing the most pieces. Focus on trapping your opponent’s king, and putting it in checkmate. Know when to retreat and regroup. Analyze the board, and plan your next few moves based on possibilities.
Playing chess online is a great way to socialize with other chess players, share strategies and improve your skills. With online chess, you always have an opponent to play against.